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Face (Unrated)

  Release Date: March 18th (Village East Cinemas-NYC)
The Cast:Kieu Chinh,Kristy Wu,Will Yun Lee,Treach

Basic Premise: A Chinese teenager who lives with her grandmother struggles with the conflicts of an inter-racial relationship with her African-American boyfriend as well as the new arrival of her mother, who abandoned her when she was a baby.

Entertainment Value: The movie moves at a brisk pace, which makes it easy to watch. There is no violence, which is also quite welcoming. The conflicts between the three generations are very clear as well as engaging. Most notably is the performance of Kristy Wu, who plays the young, abandoned daughter. The only problem is that there is very little humor. Every movie needs a little humor--even if it is a drama.

Spiritual Value: The movie says a lot about modern culture. Times have certainly changed, but this movie stresses that family and tradition should not be forgotten. However, realistically, rebellious teenagers nowadays have a more open mind about relationships--especially in a big city like New York. The dialogue between the grandmother and her granddaughter is particularly touching and insightful.

Insult to your intelligence: Predictable plot.

Number of times I checked my watch: 3

The Bottom Line: An insightful, touching movie with interesting characters, but with not enough humor to be thoroughly entertaining.

Recommended Way to Watch: Movie Theater (2nd Run)

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