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Fearless (R)

Interview with Ronny Yu
Interview with Jet Li/a>
Release Date: September 22nd, 2006 by Rogue Pictures.
The Cast: Jet Li, Nakamura Shidou, Sun Li, Dong Yong, Paw Hee Ching, Chen Zhihui, Ting Leung, Qu Yun, Scott Ma, Nathan Jones.
Directed by Ronny Yu.

BASIC PREMISE: In 20th Century China, Huo Yuanjia (Jet Li), a Chinese Wu Shu fighter competes in martial arts tournaments for the Jingwu Sports Federation.

ENTERTAINMENT VALUE: Fearless has plenty of dazzling, thrilling martial arts sequences. Jet Li is very well-cast as Huo Yuanjia, a Wu Shu fighter who becomes the first member of the Jingu Sports Federation. He fights a variety of martial artists from Spain, Japan, Britain, and America. Soon enough, he shuns violence and returns to his village where he has a brief romance with a blind girl (Sun Li). These scenes feel less somewhat contrived and drag a bit, but the momentum picks up once Huo returns to Shanghai for more fighting. The real pleasure is watching the amazing choreography as the weapons and feet fling into the air and bodies fly from platforms—and land in one piece, of course. Those expecting character development will be somewhat disappointed because you never actually care for Huo, but at least you do root for him to win. Also, it’s refreshing that some of the action sequences are quite funny to watch. Director Ronny Yu shows skill with exhilarating visuals and keeps you consistently entertained from start to finish.

SPIRITUAL VALUE: The philosophy of Wu Shu, although not explored in depth, is very insightful in that it’s a way of shunning violence and, in turn, finding peace and harmony within yourself.

INSULT TO YOUR INTELLIGENCE: A contrived romantic subplot.


IN A NUTSHELL: An exhilarating, dazzling and thrilling martial arts film.

RECOMMENDED WAY TO WATCH: Movie Theater (1st Run)

Interview with Ronny Yu
Interview with Jet Li/a>

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