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Four Lane Highway (Unrated)

Release Date: June 1st, 2007 (Village East Cinemas) by Sky Island Films.
The Cast: Fred Weller, Greer Goodman, Reg Rogers, Elizabeth Rodriguez.
Directed by Dylan McCormick.

BASIC PREMISE: Sean (Weller) recalls his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, Molly (Goodman), while he travels from Maine to New York in order to win her back.

ENTERTAINMENT VALUE: Four Lane Highway has a few sweet and funny moments, but suffers from a mostly dull and unfocused plot. Fred Weller gives a wooden performance as Sean, a man in his early thirties who hasn’t figured out what he wants to do with his life, yet. His passion for writing diminished when his father discouraged him, so, he spends most of his time drinking his problems down with booze. Soon enough, he meets Molly, an art professor, at a bar and then bumps into her at her college campus and they quickly become romantically involved with one another. It turns out that Molly has a passion for painting which she tries to pursue. Predictably, Sean’s insecurities about his life cause him to argue with Molly and they eventually break up. Writer/director Dylan MCormick awkwardly jumps back and forth between the present as Sean tries to win Molly back and the flashback scenes showing how they broke up. A few scenes have sweet, tender dialogue, such as when they walk in a park together. Other scenes feel stilted and contrived with awkward humor that falls flat—such as when Sean sits in a pool of water on the back of his truck and gets Molly all wet. The only real comic relief is Sean’s buddy Lyle (Rogers), who not only has great comic timing but also plenty of charisma. If Reg Rogers would have played Sean, instead, he would have added the much-needed liveliness and freshness to this mostly stale romantic drama.

SPIRITUAL VALUE: None, other than the importance of facing your past and overcoming your insecurities.

INSULT TO YOUR INTELLIGENCE: Often contrived, dull and unfocused.


IN A NUTSHELL: Occasionally sweet and funny, but with a mostly contrived, dull and unfocused plot.


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