Release Date: December 2nd, 2005 (NYC-Cinema Village) Directed by Nicole Conn. BASIC PREMISE: A documentary about a family that struggles with raising Nicholas, a premature baby who weighed less one-pound at birth. ENTERTAINMENT VALUE: Little Man opens just as tiny Nicholas is born 100 days prematurely with a warning that there’s going to be graphic details of his medical procedures. His doctors say that his chances of survival are so miniscule (.00004 %) that it would take a miracle for him to survive. His lesbian mothers, Nicole Conn and Gwen Baba, know about his condition beforehand, but Nicole refuses to terminate the pregnancy. The rest of the film follows the two parents as they struggle to keep Nicholas alive in any way possible. His premature birth strongly impacted his nervous system, which requires him to be connected to an IV system. At one point, he couldn’t even breathe on his own. The details of the medical procedures are just as cringe-worthy as promised, but they keep you aware of the ongoing danger and the fine line between life and death. When Nicholas gets released from the hospital into his home, the problems don’t stop there. Gwen and Nicole fight with one another over all the stress and chaos while professionals and delivery people walk in and out of their home daily. Fortunately, they found kind, patient and reliable nurses who nurture Nicholas day and night like their own child. Also, they still have a young, healthy, and energetic girl named Gabrielle who’s simply a ray of sunshine. There are many beautiful scenes when she interacts with Nicholas. The very effective musical score adds a layer of incredible, nerve-racking suspense. Ultimately, you feel as if he’s your own son—every precious moment that he’s alive is a true miracle. SPIRITUAL VALUE: Every scene brings tears to your eyes—tears of joy and tears of sorrow. His parents’ heart-wrenching journey to keep him alive shows you how important it is to never give up hope no matter what. After watching this film, you will not only believe in miracles, but cherish every day that you’re alive and healthy. INSULT TO YOUR INTELLIGENCE: None. NUMBER OF TIMES I CHECKED MY WATCH: 0 THE BOTTOM LINE: Emotionally powerful, gripping, and incredibly life-affirming! RECOMMENDED WAY TO WATCH: Movie Theater (1st Run) Main Page Alphabetical Menu The "L" Menu ______________________________________________________ |