![]() Bleecker Street releases Mafia Mamma in theaters nationwide on April 14th, 2023. NYC MOVIE GURU: Between Bianca's heart, mind and soul, which of those was most challenging for you to sink your teeth into? Monica Bellucci: Everything, no? When you have a deep connection with someone, it's the mind, the soul and the heart. It's a mixture of all the different energies. Sometimes you can have a beautiful connection for work, but then maybe the human side doesn't really connect. Toni and I, even Catherine Hardwicke and I, were a beautiful team together. Also, I have to speak about the role of Jenny, Kristin's lawyer played by Sophia Nomvete. She's an amazing lady and a great actress, so these three women are surrounded by a lot of testosterone representing a great cast of actors. Behind the comedy, there's a beautiful meaning because we are in a male-dominated society and these three women have to learn how to defend themselves. Last night, we did the premiere. It was so interesting. It was the first time that I was watching the movie with an audience. It was so interesting to see the reaction of the people, and I realized that I always said that this is a comedy in the world of the mafia with a feminine twist, but this is a powerful movie. It's very original and crazy and sexy and funny and unpredictable. As a European, I realized that many Americans never went to Europe--they never went to Paris or Rome. It was interesting to see the beauty of Rome because Rome is filmed in a beautiful way so that you can see the Vatican, so it's amazing that you can see the beauty of the city. I think that Catherine Hardwicke really described the city in such an amazing way and she brings this femininity and elegance in the middle of violence. NYC MOVIE GURU: Bianca projects strength and confidence in public. How do you see Bianca as a human being beneath the surface? MB: I think that she's a survivor. She is happy to be alive. She's an immense world. In Bianca, there's mystery, Mediterranean warmth, and she knows how to deal with violence because that's where she comes from. She was Kristin's grandfather's advisor. She knows that if Kristin becomes a mafia boss, then everything is going to stay there forever. She wants to protect Kristin, but she knows that Kristin can also protect her. It's beautiful that we're in front of two adult women who aren't scared to be feminine and to be sexy, even though they're adults. This is also a new concept in movies. We're in a new world, and this film proves that. 40 years ago, we wouldn't make a film like that. Also, it would be so difficult for an actress above the age of 40 to have the possibility to work. This proves that things are changing, and it's interesting and beautiful. To be a grown-up woman, it means that you're just more experienced and you can help younger people. I love to work even with young directors and even with female directors. The exchange is very nice because women bring something different sometimes--another vision of seeing the world. Also, I have to thank the great casting directors in this movie because there's an amazing cast of international actors. I have to say that we were very lucky to be part of this project because I grew up with mafia movies---Goodfellas, Once Upon a Time in America, and The Godfather. I would have never imagined the chance to play in a comedy about the mafia. Also, I haven't done many comedies in my career. I've done more dark movies. NYC MOVIE GURU: What do you think makes Bianca and Kristin connect as friends? Do you think that Bianca had any friends before she met Kristin? MB: I don't know. Maybe not. Maybe as a woman, she had to defend herself. I think that when Kristin arrives in her life, she realizes that she needs her. She's very maternal with Kristin. She can be very violent with her, too, like in the beginning, but little by little she likes her. She wants to protect her and she decides that Kristin will be the boss. What was really helpful is that, even in real life, Toni Collette and I had an incredible, beautiful complicity. There is really an empathy between us, and that was really helpful to build all of the connection and affection that connects these two characters in their adventure. This is very rare. It doesn't happen all the time. I've always loved Toni Collette as an actress. I didn't know her incredible energy in real life, so when I met her, it was so incredible. This was really helpful to me to play Bianco. I'm very grateful that after I called my agent, I had the chance to play in a comedy again because it doesn't happen that often. I've done films that were so tragic like Irreversible, Malena and The Passion of the Christ. I just did an international theater tour about Maria Callas, so it was fun to be in something a little bit different like this movie. NYC MOVIE GURU: You bring a lot of charisma to your role of Bianca. How would you define charisma? MB: That's a big problem because charisma is charisma because it's not possible to define. It's a mystery. It's something that you're born with. It's a matter of energy. It has nothing to do with age or anything. It's an energy that you project and that you receive at the same time. I realize this, especially in theater. When you do a movie, it's something that goes by itself, but when you are in a theater, there's an incredible relationship with the public. It's something direct. You breathe the same energy for 1 hour and half. People look at you and you feel all of this energy, and you give it back. This is a mystery, and it is about charisma, definitely. NYC MOVIE GURU: Can you detect your own charisma? An actress once told me that most actors and actresses who have charisma can't detect their own. MB: No. Maybe that's much better because you can't define yourself, and this is very healthy, no? Main Page Interviews Menu Alphabetical Menu Chronological Menu ______________________________________________________ |