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The Perfect Crime (Unrated)

Release Date: August 19th, 2005 (NYC-Landmark Sunshine Cinema)
The Cast: Guillermo Toledo, Monica Cervera, Luis Varela.
Directed by Alex de la Iglesia.
In Spanish with subtitles.

BASIC PREMISE: After Rafael (Toledo),a salesmen in the women's section of a department store, accidentally kills Don Antonio (Varela), as salesman in the men's section, he does anything maintain his innocence along with Lourdes (Cervera), a coworker who also gets involved.

ENTERTAINMENT VALUE: This is a very hilarious and inventive dark comedy from start to finish. The dialogue between Rafael and Don Antonio is very funny as they compete to make the most commission. As soon as Rafael accidentally kills Don Antonio during an argument in a dressing room, this film takes off into a series of mishaps and surprising plot twists. Just when you think that Rafael is the most funny, suddenly, the even more hilarious co-worker, Lourdes, ends up stealing the corpse that he was trying to cremate. The problem is that Rafael is a womanizer who only goes after good-looking women, which Lourdes is not. She ends up blackmailing him to have sex with her and even gets him to meet her parents. The dinner scene with him and her parents is laugh-out-loud funny--especially her foul-mouthed younger sister. Every character in this film is crazy and off-beat which just adds more to all the fun and comic energy. The plot becomes very inventive and even surreal when Don Antonio's ghost comes back to haunt Rafael. It is consistently fun to watch both of them try to outsmart the detective who is in charge of investigating the crime with very little evidence.

SPIRITUAL VALUE: It very interesting to watch how all the intricate details of the plot come together and make sense once the very satisfying ending comes. Despite a dark plot, it is never depressing. There is even a smart, tongue-in-cheek moment when Rafael watches some very relevant movies about murders to try to learn from them.

INSULT TO YOUR INTELLIGENCE: As long as you suspend your disbelief, there is none.


THE BOTTOM LINE: A laugh riot from start to finish. Its inventive, surprising plot and quirky characters makes for a highly-entertaining and memorable film.

RECOMMENDED WAY TO WATCH: Movie Theater (1st Run)

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