![]() Focus Features releases Spoiler Alert, based on Michael Ausiello's memoir, in select theaters on December 2nd, 2022. NYC MOVIE GURU: Which of the emotions in the memoir was most challenging for you to capture through words? Michael Ausiello: Love. You're trying to capture what it's like to be in love and to love someone. That, I think, was the most challenging thing because my relationship with Kit was so unique and so special in so many ways that the thought of trying to do it justice was daunting. NYC MOVIE GURU: How important is it to have a childlike wonder like how you unabashedly love The Smurfs? How would you define the term "grown up"? MA: I've never heard of it. I don't know what that word means. [laughs] I'm not one, I've never become one, and I never will be one. [laughs] No, I think that we all have a childlike wonder in us even as adults. I chose at a relatively young adult age that I was going to lean into that part of me. One of the reasons, I think, is because I lost my parents at a young age. That left me with some childhood trauma. It left me with a reason to feel or want to be drawn back into my childhood. The Smurfs are a great conduit into that. NYC MOVIE GURU: What do you think is the purpose of struggle? Would you want a life without any struggle at all? MA: Sure. If someone told me, "Do you want a life with struggle or no struggle?", I would pick "no struggle." That would be great. But, after having struggled and been through struggle and seen some of the emotional, soul-enriching rewards that come out of that, I wouldn't trade it for anything. NYC MOVIE GURU: Which fictional character do you imagine would get along with you? Whom are you kindred spirits with? MA: Lorelai Gilmore [from the TV series Gilmore Girls] would be right up there. I feel like we would hit off spectacularly. I love good banter, but finding someone to banter with seamlessly is hard. I found that person with Kit. I feel like Lorelai and I would hit it off immediately and she would not only be a great outlet for me, but also be a great distraction for me from any kind of trauma or problems that I was going through. Main Page Interviews Menu Alphabetical Menu Chronological Menu ______________________________________________________ |