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Castille Landon, writer/director of Summer Camp

Roadside Attractions releases Summer Camp on May 31st, 2024 in theaters nationwide.

NYC MOVIE GURU: In the editing room, how did you find the right balance between entertaining the audience and provoking them emotionally?

Castille Landon: I gravitate toward the more emotional material, so that what always the easier for Morgan, the editor, and I. I think that getting the balance with the comedy was the trick mostly because after you spend four, five, six months in the editing room, you think that nothing is funny anymore. A lot of the work that we did in post was honing what was already in the foundation---the script. There are a lot of films where you're trying to find something or create something that didn't exist. Here, it was just playing around with the elements that did exist as opposed to trying to create something that was never there in the first place. I'm really grateful that we spent as much time in development on the script because the elements were there to pull from. The balance was mostly found in development as opposed to in post.

NYC MOVIE GURU: What was the process like to capture and create Nora, Ginny and Mary's unique personalities?

CL: I always lead with character. I started out knowing that we were going to create Nora for Diane [Keaton], so having that in my head, it was like my anchor. Then developing from that the polar opposite from that, which is Ginny. Because of that, I pulled from my own grandma as inspiration. Her name is Ginny, too. She is that kind of larger than life, eccentric character, so she was the perfect foil for a Nora type. Then creating the third point of the triangle, a couple of my friends who are closer to my age have married people who I didn't necessarily like back then. To me, once I had Nora and Ginny, the polar opposites, Mary came up. She was the most grounded even though I didn't necessarily base her on a specific person---more of an amalgam of different people. It was really like my feelings toward that character that created that [personality].

NYC MOVIE GURU: Between Nora, Ginny and Mary, which of them do you think is more introspective?  

CL: At the start of the film, none of them are introspective. I think that they're all just living their lives and letting things go by the wayside. I think that with Nora, the temptation would be to say that she's the most introspective because she's the most neurotic at the top, but I think that it's not a self-awareness introspection, so that's different. In other words, she's in her head, but not thinking about the right or important things. I think that their journey to realizing who they've become is really the journey of the film, so it's kind of a process of becoming more introspective and being honest about what that is, what that person looks like, what their flaws are and how they want to take that knowledge and go into the future.

NYC MOVIE GURU: What is a grown up? Are we ever fully grown-up if we're always growing up and learning?

CL: When I see people around me that are having kids and families, I'm like, "They seem so young for that." But then I'm like, "Oh, no, you should be doing the same thing." Yea, that's a really good point. It's kind of the point of the movie which is to say that you're never too old to change. You're never too old to play, have fun and connect with people. There is no age at which any of that should stop. We should constantly be learning, evolving and developing ourselves. If that's how you define a grown up, then, I guess, you're right: we never grow up---not fully.

NYC MOVIE GURU: Do you think that Ginny forgives herself for hurting Jimmy's feelings? He seems more emotionally mature than her for admitting to her that he feels hurt.

CL: Yes, I think that she would forgive herself because I think that she's the kind of person who doesn't necessarily hold onto negative self-talk which is one of the most beautiful things about her character. That moment was really integral for me---that reversal of Jimmy because it did precipitate the change in Ginny. I always knew that I wanted him to seem like an idiot, but then to have that reversal in the end where he taught her something. I always like that in a movie when characters can teach other characters something, especially when you don't expect it or see it coming. I think that that's how life is: we can learn from anyone. To dismiss that kind of person like Ginny does is not wise because they have something that you can learn from. I think that the idea of someone who is vulnerable enough to say, not "I'm angry.", because that's what we all go to, but, instead, "I'm hurt.", is a really brave and wise thing. I think that if we all lead with the feelings that we actually feel as opposed to the ones that we put up as defense mechanisms, I think that the world would be a better place. So, I think that someone who may seem more simple-minded may have that strength and ability to be more honest with their feelings.

NYC MOVIE GURU: How would you define a good friend?  

CL: I think that a real friend is someone who is there for you emotionally if not physically. It's someone who you can pick up the phone after not having spoken to them for 15 years and yet it feels like no time has passed and they're right there for you no matter what. I certainly feel that way with my friends. To me, that means that nothing can come between you. Even if your whole to-do list has come between you emotionally, nothing. If my friend needed me today, I would be on a plane even though I haven't seen her in months.

NYC MOVIE GURU: Which film do you think would pair well with Summer Camp in a double feature?

CL: The First Wives Club.

NYC MOVIE GURU: I saw In a Violent Nature before Summer Camp. Both of them are set in the woods, but one is about the dark side of human nature while the other is about the lighter side.

CL:[laughs] Oh, perfect! That's probably better to not have a very similar movie!

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